
all - clean

Removes build artifacts.

all - distclean

Removes build artifacts and installed dependencies and their caches.

cargo - install

Installs sso_server and sso_cli into development container, which lets you run sso_cli ... instead of cargo run --bin sso_cli -- ... in the terminal.

cargo - sso_server

Build and start sso_server using configuration file .config/sso.toml, available at http://localhost:7042/.

docker test - build

Build docker images in .devcontainer/docker-test.yml.

docker test - up

Build and start docker compose services in .devcontainer/docker-test.yml.

docker test - down

Stop and destroy docker compose services in .devcontainer/docker-test.yml.

docker test - protractor

Run Protractor tests against docker compose services in .devcontainer/docker-test.yml.

mkdocs - serve

Run mkdocs live development server, available at localhost:8079.

mkdocs - build

Build mkdocs static site output in docs directory for github pages.

npm - run template builder

Build template files from sources in sso_test/template. The output file sso_test/tmp/template/index.html can be opened in a browser to check page styles, and sso_test/tmp/template/template.html can be added to the sso configuration file.

npm - start client example (express, passport)

Build and start client example application, available at localhost:8080.

npm - run host tests

Run tests in sso_test/test/host.ts file.

openapi - wget openapi

Download a copy of openapi.json file from server and save to sso_manual/openapi.json. This file is required for client generation tasks.

openapi - generate typescript client

Generate TypeScript client using OpenAPI Generator.

openapi - generate rust client

Generate rust client using paperclip.

postgres - build

Build docker images in .devcontainer/docker-postgres.yml.

postgres - up

Build and start docker compose services in .devcontainer/docker-postgres.yml.

Connection string is postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres.

Services include pgAdmin and PgHero.

postgres - down

Stop and destroy docker compose services in .devcontainer/docker-postgres.yml.