
Clone repository and Open folder in container, using the vscode Remote Development extension.

Run vscode Tasks using the command palette or the Task Explorer extension.


The sso_server and sso_cli binaries depend on a configuration file, by default this is read from ./.config/sso.toml or it can be configured with the --config command line argument (For example --config .config/sso.example). An example configuration file can be found at .config/sso.example.toml.

OAuth2 clients and users can be statically defined in this file, configuration can be generated using the sso_cli binary. A postgres database connection is required, the example configuration works with the postgres service started by the postgres - up task.

Run the cargo - install task.

To generate a client configuration run the following command, save the client secret key and copy the TOML output into the configuration file.

sso_cli generate client $NAME $REDIRECT_URI

to generate a user configuration run the following command, save the user password and copy the TOML output into the configuration file.

sso_cli generate user $NAME $EMAIL


Run the following tasks to compile and run tests during development, tests depend on Webdriver Manager.

To stop and destroy postgres services.


Run the following tasks to build docker images and run tests for production, tests depend on Webdriver Manager.

To stop and destroy test services.

Commands to run test CI locally can be found in .github/workflows/docker.yml.


Run the following tasks to serve the manual development server or build manual static site.

Client Generation

The crate sso_client is generated using paperclip, install it in the development container with the following command.

cargo install paperclip --git --features cli

When sso_server is running, run the following tasks to download a copy of the OpenAPI specification file and generate the client.

fix: File requires manual changes, adding "type": "object" to audit log data definitions, or paperclip will not generate the expected files. Check against checked out file.


Client HTML templates change the appearance of the web interface, run the template builder using the npm - run template builder task.

Template source files are located in the sso_test/template directory. A build will write output files to the sso_test/tmp/template directory. Open index.html in a browser to check the appearance, and add template.html to the configuration file when complete.


Some labels are used in comments throughout the code which can be searched for.

  • todo: ...: Stuff to work on
  • fix: ...: Notes on how something has been fixed
  • depend: ...: Dependencies that should be upgraded occasionally
  • test: ...: Notes related to testing

For example.

# depend: package.json
# run task `npm - update packages`
# depend: Cargo.toml
# run task `cargo - update`
# todo: Update tokio/tokio-postgres/deadpool-postgres/rustls to 0.3/etc. when supported by actix_rt (LocalSet struct changes)

Webdriver Manager

Tests depend on Webdriver Manager, start it outside of the remote development container using the commands.

npm run webdriver-update
npm run webdriver-start


Available at localhost:8000 when postgres services are running.

  • Login with username guest and password guest
  • Select Add New Server
    • General - Name: postgres
    • Connection - Host name/address: postgres
    • Connection - Port: 5432
    • Connection - Maintenance database: postgres
    • Connection - Username: postgres
    • Connection - Password: postgres
    • Connection - Save password: yes
  • Save and select postgres from server list


Available at localhost:8001 when postgres services are running.